How Tweets rank in the news – Do you know what really grinds twitter’s gears? The fact that its cultural influence extends far beyond its 238 million total mDAU, a figure that puts it well behind most other social apps in terms of direct usage.
For years, Twitter has been trying to re-frame the discussion around user counts, arguing that tweets literally are seen and then scanned by several people. It just cannot track them although it has tried with images and graphics like this. Twitter is saying that millions of people are seeing tweets without being logged in.
The hope for Twitter was that explanations like this can help in re-framing the perceived app value and show the market and potential ad partners, that there is real exposure value in tweets whether it’s not on the dimensions of Facebook, which it will always be matched up against.
How Tweets rank in the news
Testing 0.0038% of users every month, then using that as a bot count means that Twitter is not overly inquisitive about cracking down on bot traffic. But still, Twitter continues to do and showcase its expanded value with the platform today by publishing a brand-new overview of what number of people depend on tweets for news content.
According to data from Twitter, Pew Research, and Sparkler, Twitter states that 85% of individuals on Twitter watch, read or hear the news a minimum of once daily, 83% of individuals on Twitter Tweet about news, 55% of individuals on Twitter get their news from Twitter over other social media platforms, more than 80% of young journalists depend on Twitter for their jobs; 62% of Twitter news consumers say that Twitter helps them find new news outlets to follow.
We’re undecided about the second stat that 83% of Twitter users tweet about news. Previous studies have shown that around 25% of Twitter users within the USA produce 97% of all tweets. That would suggest that almost all people don’t seem to be tweeting much, if in any respect- but the numbers do underline the role that Twitter plays in news dissemination and engagement, which could point to the broader reach of the platform as an aggregator for other sites, with such a big number of journalists, particularly reliant on Twitter to remain informed.
This means that Twitter is extremely influential whether it sees identical levels of usage as other apps or not. If you wish to induce your stories out there, Twitter should be a key focus because those who use Twitter are highly engaged in their topics of interest
As you’ll see here, Twitter may be a key source of web trends, which are then shared across every other platform and app. It is important to notice the role that Twitter plays in providing the platform with several key trends.
In other words, Twitter is more valuable than many may think, and raw user numbers are actually accurately representative.
Maybe that is why Elon Musk was eager to buy Twitter at one point and maybe, under new management, there’s some way for Twitter to harness that value, both for its own benefit and in terms of improving the general news and knowledge ecosystem.
Either way, it’s interesting to notice the oversized role that Twitter does play, whether or not it’s also beholden to promote expectations in maintaining user count however it can- even to the detriment of the service.
The team at Fuzion Digital are here to work on your overall digital marketing strategy, including Twitter. Get in touch with us today to find out more.