video marketing
April 9, 2020

How can video marketing can help your business?

Enhance engagement and boost brand visibility with video marketing. Don't miss out on this powerful tool!

Video marketing accomplishes all the work that traditional marketing does, but it amplifies the effects. Humans are visual creatures, and we can’t help but be drawn to moving images, whether they show a cat jumping into a box or a service that a business provides. Read on to learn about how this visual marketing tool can help your business.

Increase Brand Awareness with Video

One of the best ways to grow your customer base is to help more people find out about who you are and what you do. Rather than getting lost in the crowd, you want your business to stand out among your competitors. With videos, you quickly convey what your core values are. You can increase exposure to potential customers by offering entertaining, educational videos that inform them about your company and help them remember your name.

Video Can Increase Your Online Presence

The more places your potential customers can find out about you, the better your chances of converting them into paying customers. Once you have identified and established your brand, you need to get the word out. “But I already have a spiffy website, a blog, and a social media presence,” you may say. That’s a great start but continuing to spread the word makes the difference between a business that gets noticed and a business that gets chosen over its competitors.

If you aren’t using video for marketing, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to amplify your reach and engage your audience.

Video Reveals Personality

Some of the most effective disrupters have reached audiences by being unique, but that doesn’t mean you have to come up with a clever marketing tactic to be effective. Companies that live and breathe their brand are highly successful with their marketing. Simple videos that show who you are can be an effective way to put a face, and personality, to your business name.

Video Will Boost Social Media Engagement

The days of Vine are in the past, but video marketing continues to take a larger and larger share of social media content. There’s Facebook videos, Facebook Live, Twitter Periscope, and Instagram Live, just to name a few. Why should you care? Because video is the most shared content on social media.

Facebook places a higher priority on video content because they know that’s what users want. We like to share content that will entertain our friends and move them, and video has a better chance of doing that. More than links, images, or plain text, video has the best chance of getting shared by your followers. You can easily dip your toes into marketing video through social media, by learning how to post videos to Instagram and Facebook.

You Can Build Trust with Video

Marketing is about showing potential customers that you understand their concerns and can solve their problems. The best way to build a relationship is through face to face interaction, but this just isn’t realistic for growing a business. All the time in the world is not enough to meet every potential customer personally and earn their trust. Thankfully, you can capture that sentiment in the form of video content. Even better, it’s available 24/7.

Video marketing can help your small business by building long-term relationships with clients before you ever meet them. When customers see you, your team, or your product in videos, they gain more confidence in your brand. Trust is essential for every small business, and video marketing can be there when you can’t.

Benefits of Video Marketing

Small businesses used to be at a disadvantage when it came to video marketing. The barriers to entry were just too steep. Fortunately, in today’s marketing landscape, producing video content now provides more benefits than drawbacks. Below are some of the main benefits of video marketing for small business.

  • Traffic
  • Personal Connection
  • Social proof
  • Emotional Influence
  • Portability
  • Demonstrations
  • Engagement

Overall, video marketing is an effective marketing strategy. Let us help you create a marketing strategy, contact us today for a free consultation.

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