February 15, 2021

3 Tips on how to capitalise on your Twitter videos

Discover key strategies to effectively capitalise on your Twitter videos for maximum engagement and brand impact.

How to capitalise on your Twitter videos – Video is by far currently the most engaging content format across all platforms, and while short-form clips are the main target of the instant, all video formats are worth considering within your broader digital marketing strategy.

Twitter hasn’t yet followed TikTok down the trail of shorter clips, but it has sought to relinquish video content, with the addition of full-screen computer screen formats and a brand-new video-specific feature section within the explore tab.

3 Tips on how to capitalise on your Twitter videos

1.Keep Your Videos Short and to the Point

Twitter explains that shorter videos perform better within the app. They believe that brands should use short tweets to go along with their video posts, having only 10 words or 50 characters being the maximum.

2. Include Product, People, and Prominent Branding

Tweeted video clips need to include elements such as prominent branding, strong colours, offered products and services, people, and a sound strategy. All of these are good, general guide notes for video content, and ensuring that you’re maximising your branding and recall opportunities.

3. Connect with What’s Happening

Users turn to Twitter to stay in contact with current news and updates, so the more that you can connect your brand messaging in, the better. Topical campaigns achieve better recall and brand awareness, which is worth factoring into your planning, especially around seasonal events. Twitter also recommends that brands should look into incorporating Connect campaigns to make sure they link into relevant discussions throughout the year.

These are some handy notes which will ensure that your future Twitter ad campaigns will be successful and that you maximise the opportunities of the platform. This might be a great way to improve your reach and resonance this holiday shopping season.

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This article was originally published on: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/Tips-Twitter-Video-Marketing/633361/

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