5 Benefits of using Instagram IGTV for your business
April 25, 2019

5 Benefits of using Instagram IGTV for your business

Utilise Instagram IGTV for your business to reach a vast audience effectively through engaging video content.

Instagram IGTV for your business – The platform is loosening its restraints on video to take younger viewers away from YouTube when they are looking for something to watch on their smartphones.

The expansion is expected to increase Instagram’s video time limit from one minute to 10 minutes for most users. It will also allow accounts with large audiences to go on for as long as an hour. IGTV, which stands for Instagram TV, while this will allow for a whole hour of casual entertainment, it can also be very useful for people in business.

Here are 5 Benefits of using Instagram IGTV for your business

1. Huge Audience

Instagram has over 1,000,000,000 members. Which in smaller numbers is a large number of thousands. In other words, you only need to reach a tiny percentage of that audience to reach a large number of people. Create video content that is eye-catching, as well as relevant and they will share it, and their peers will share it, and so on. This can mean that your message gets spread quickly and effectively.

2. Make Your Message Clear

People prefer access to user-friendly platforms, especially on blue Mondays. This includes attention-grabbing content that easily explains things clearly to the audience without them having to spend time digesting the content.

That’s where animation videos come in. Some things are better left presented in video form over text as video will keep the audience entertained instead of dragging it out through text. Put yourself in a situation where you need to explain how a service or product works in an email or over the phone, only to confuse your prospects.

The right video can help you to convey your message quickly and easily, providing customers with the necessary information to understand your product or service and, more importantly, how it will benefit them.

3. Affordable

In the historic times, we would have needed the GDP of a small country to make a professional looking film. With the latest technology, however, in the present days, anybody that knows how to operate a half-decent camera can create something that will most likely give Spielberg a run for his money. OK, that’s maybe pushing it a bit, but you get the point.

What IGTV also allows is for you to upload your business’ product or service animation videos that could see to make your business a considerable ROI. That’s correct! IGTV is not focused on the typically popular fashionista or travel vlogger seeking lots of followers, your business can also be in front of a crowd of potential customers who seek interest in your services.

4. Less Competition Than Other Platforms

Platforms such as Facebook and YouTube are great for video marketing, but there’s a problem… There is loads of competition which will be of a disadvantage. It is possible that you can create a video that will impress the audience at the Oscars, but getting it noticed at all can be difficult in the similar content of other videos. Instagram’s IGTV, however, is still new so there are not as many people using it. This presents a great opportunity to get your business established before the unwashed masses join in, especially when it comes to animation videos. It’s simply under-utilised.

5. Links to Your Site

Creating a great video is all very well, but you’re probably not doing so purely because of your kindness to others. You will probably want people to visit your site and, hopefully, buy something from you or at least become a solid new lead for your marketing database.

They aren’t likely to go in search of your company, though, but the good news is that they don’t have to. You can leave a link to your website, so learning more about how amazing you are is just a click away.

In conclusion, if used right, Instagram IGTV offers several benefits to your business. You can get your brand and story out there clearly and easily to an enormous potential audience from the use of animated explainer videos and other forms of video. Make the most of it and you can really put your business on the map. Let us help you get started today, contact us for a free consultation.

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